5th recipe in 2024

Here comes a new and fresh recipe, this time about Kafka Connect and how to extract secrets from the configuration. This took me quite some work to ensure it was working properly. Therefore, I’ve decided to write this recipe so that others may benefit from

4th recipe in 2024

This one is not for a programmer but for anyone that uses a terminal in MacOS. I have recently received a new laptop and while I was configuring it, one of the common shortcuts I was using (OPTION+LEFT ARROR) was not working and, as such, I could not jump quickly between words in the terminal. At that moment, I remembered that I had configured that in my old laptop before but I could not remember how to and, as such, I had to investigate how to do it all over again. This recipe will ensure that, in the future, my research will be quick πŸ’ͺ

3rd recipe in 2024

Are you using golang and your go get command seems to be stuck? Are you unable to download your project’s dependencies and you don’t know why? Then, this might be useful for you πŸ™‚

2nd recipe in 2024

Have you ever had the need to implement an observer pattern? Have. you tried it in Golang? If that is the case, maybe this recipe can be useful for you, where I show you my own version of an observer implemented in Golang. Enjoy!

1st recipe in 2024

Hello all and happy new. year. After a sabbatical year in 2023, where I did not write any recipe, I’ve decided to start the new year with a golang recipe, for something I’ve done in the past and discussed about several times before with several team mates. Lets learn a simplified way to create a scheduled task that can execute more or less often depending on how “much work” it needs to do.

12th recipe in 2022

This week I decided to learn about microfrontends. Therefore, I’m working also a bit more with things such as nodeΒ or npm, which are not common topics in my blog, particularly focused for backend engineers or SREs. That being said, here’s an interesting one that I would like to share. If you are having issues with npm install complaining about a weird gyp module and you are working in a MacOS, then this recipe might be handy.

11th recipe in 2022

Here goes the 11th recipe of 2022. This one of the smallest I have ever written but it was something that I had to use in the past and didn’t remember how to do it. So, this time, it will be a lot easier when I need it again. Learn how to show all the logs for any docker container that you might have running (or completed but still not pruned) in your Gitlab CI/CD job.

10th recipe in 2022

The 10th recipe of 2022 is now available. This one explains how to install liquibase locally in a MacOS and add MySQL driver to it so that you don’t need any other dependencies locally in any of your locally running projects.

9th recipe in 2022

The 9th recipe of 2022 is about Kaniko and problems building Docker images. Have you ever faced this problem “dpkg: error processing package ( β€” configure)” or similar? If that is the case, then that might be the right recipe for you.